Hante 2020 is fast approaching and I am so excited to share a little bit about Hante Pacific Northwest. The Pacific Northwest is one of my favorite regions of the United States. The mountains there are considered the Alps of the Americas and the landscape contrasts sharply with the rolling hills of the Appalachian mountains here in the Southeast. The PNW is home to tall, snow capped mountains with jagged peaks.

On this Hante, we will backpack through two incredible National Forest regions. The first one being in Olympic National Park; the routes are still up in the air between coastal beach backpacking or heading into the mountains. I assure you, they will both be incredible.


The second backpacking location will be in the North Cascades region where we’ll spend five days hiking north along glacial blue waters. Afternoon swims with a side of cloud watching will be a regular, daily event.


The finale of our trip will be just that! We’ll spend three days Sea Kayaking among the San Juan Islands. We’ll see Orcas, bald eagles, and bright purple starfish the size of our faces! Did I mention we’ll be eating like royalty during this section? That’s right, be ready to have your tastebud palettes wowed.


Anyways, we are so excited for this Hante and hope you are too! It’s early in enrollment and we are so excited at how much interest we have seen in our Hante programs! Apply now to save your spot on Hante PNW, they won’t last long.

Email Mims with any questions! Hante@enf.org
