Like many organizations, Eagle’s Nest Camp has terminology and slang unique to its community. We have compiled a list to help you get oriented before and throughout orientation.

Check out our campus map to get a feel for the lay of the land and start to know building names and meeting spaces. If you want to learn more about the history of our building names, you can check it out here.

Common terms and slang:

  • Slot – the staff parking lot located behind Mo’s Hillside
  • Slounge – the staff lounge, located under Cheoah
  • A-Field – the athletic field
  • A-Shed – the storage building on the A-Field that holds all of our athletic equipment
  • DO, NO, LO – day off, night out, and lunch out
  • Wedigo – the trail that runs between Nature Hill and the Sun Lodge. Also refers to a story told to older campers during campfire
  • JPA – junior program assistant, the grouping of the youngest campers
  • PA – program assistant, the grouping of the middle aged campers
  • CIT – counselor in training, the grouping of the oldest campers
  • JC – junior counselor, participants 15-17 years old, learning more leadership skills
  • PO – Program Office, an office space for full-time staff as well as a space for summer staff to plan classes and activities
  • POH – Pack Out House, were the gear for outdoor trips is stored