Stepping out of your comfort zone leads to a change in perspective. Physically, you can see the world from a different place- the top of a mountain, a foreign city. Mentally, you allow yourself to take the perspective of someone different from yourself. This change in perspective promotes growth and flexibility. It allows you to take on new challenges more easily in the future, once you have gained the confidence that comes from being uncomfortable and witnessing yourself overcome obstacles. It allows us to see and experience new things that inspire us ando learn about ourselves and the world around us.

Added Adventures and Hantes help participants experience new places, feelings, and perspectives. Living in a small community of people who depend on each other for daily needs is out of most people’s comfort zones, and it creates many important learning opportunities. Participants learn to work with others, compromise, resolve conflicts, take ownership over an experience, lead effectively, and approach new challenges.

It requires the bravery to step out of your comfort zone. Let’s do it together.

Step out of your comfort zone this summer on a week-long add-on to Session 3, by registering for Sea Islands Added Adventure! You will learn to camp on the beach, fish and swim in the ocean, explore the island, and much more!

If you are interested in stepping out and learning in the backcountry, join us on AT Trek this summer, where you will learn to prepare your gear, pack your your food, orient yourself with a map and compass, and backpack for 16 days.

You can learn more about and register for our Sea Islands Added Adventure and Hante AT Trek NC by visiting our website.

By Anna Lauria
