What to pack


What to Bring

Parents and guardians often wish to bestow on their children the best society has to offer. This is very well meaning; however, if you pack a trunk with abundant, new, expensive clothing, two things will happen: your child will get stressed trying to preserve and protect these expensive items OR (more often the case) your child will be totally oblivious to the quality of their clothing and will lose it or will totally destroy it one muddy afternoon on the athletic field (and we have lots of those). We want clothing to be the camper’s responsibility. Please under-pack and bring old, already stained clothing. The result of over-packing is that new items are often lost and old items returned with a bit more mildew on them! If you send new clothes chances are your camper may not even recognize them as their own. We also suggest sending colorful printed towels that are easy to identify; white towels are our most popular Lost and Found item.

So, bring old shirts, shorts, and pants. Bring some synthetic, warm clothes and a fleece jacket. Cotton sweatshirts do not give much warmth if wet. Bring general athletic/walking shoes and boots which are good for the uneven terrain at camp. Sandals (or opened toed shoes as we call them) are fine as well for parts of camp; however, campers will need closed toed/stay-on-your-feet shoes for the majority of activities at camp. Since we do get wet at camp, we recommend two pairs of closed toed shoes–one that can get wet and stay wet, and one that can stay dry. If you intend to take horseback riding and already have hard soled shoes with a heel, please bring them, otherwise we do have some available. Please consult the packing list and the dress code for other suggestions. Please also review the dress code with your camper. We would also like for you to bring one simple white outfit for special activities.


If you are unable to provide any or all items on the packing list, please contact us for assistance.

Musical Instruments

We encourage campers to bring instruments and play in classes and small ensembles. We will store your instruments in the Performing Arts Building, Cheoah, which is an air-conditioned building.


What Not to Bring

Remember, no music devices, cellphones, smart watches, video cameras, laptops, electronic games, radios, computer toys, electronic readers, dangerous weapons, food, or candy. We do not allow campers to take video at camp. We recognize that many cameras have video filming capabilities. Campers may bring those cameras, but they will not be able to take video. Please leave other video equipment, etc. at home. Eagle’s Nest cannot be responsible for lost or stolen electronics. Campers arriving by air may travel with cellphones and chargers. They will need to turn off and turn in their phone at the office upon arrival.


Gear Lending Library

Eagle’s Nest has a Gear Lending Library to support campers who may need to borrow gear.   If you would like to borrow gear for your Camp Session or Hante Adventure, please contact Ed Haubenreiser at ed@enf.org.

Learn More About ENF’s Gear Lending Library


What Should I pack for Camp?

Checkout our Camp packing list for what to bring to Camp this summer!



Enter the code trail527EN to receive a Discount on your purchase at Everything Summer Camp online.  Plus a portion of your purchase is used by ENF to purchase new gear for ENF’s Gear Lending Library.  


Where can I find Hante Adventures Packing Lists?

Hante Packing Lists


Want to borrow gear for your Camp or Hante Adventures Program?

Contact our Hante and Outdoor Program, Ed Haubenreiser at ed@enf.org.